下載 Monero 核心

Monero 核心 (命令列介面)

Monero 核心包含了數個程式:

  • monerod (區塊鏈同步程式,用來建立節點以維持與 Monero 網路的連結)

  • monero-wallet-cli ( Monero 錢包管理程式)

  • 數個輔助用工具

如果您是第一次使用,只要下載符合您系統需求的發行版本後,執行 Monero 核心中的 monerod 程式,讓它與網路同步即可。

請至官方網站下載 Monero 核心



Monero Core consists of several applications, including monerod (the daemon used if running afull node, as it maintains the connection to the Monero network) and monero-wallet-cli (a Moneroaccountmanager application), as well as several other helper applications.

If you are using Monero Core for the first time you can simply download an appropriate release, and run monerod to get synced up to the network.

Note: the SHA256 hashes are listed by the downloads for convenience, but a GPG-signed list of the hashes is atgetmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txtand should be treated as canonical, with the signature checked against the appropriate GPG key in the source code (in /utils/gpg_keys).

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