如何架設節點 (Full node) ?


由於 Monero 天生的設計使然,越多分散化的點對點用戶可以讓其變得更強大。我們鼓勵每個使用者如果可以的話最好都架設一個節點。.


如果要在不希望占用到您自家網路頻寬的情況下架設節點,租用一個虛擬伺服器服務(Virtual Private Server)是個最簡單的方式,我們推薦使用'MONERO'作為折價券向InterServer.net以每個月六美金的價格租用虛擬伺服器,使用這個推薦連結或折價券同時也可以幫助官方的開發資金。

Monero 核心可以在大多數的硬體上執行,包括ARM和32位元的系統上,如果要架設節點,您要先下載 Monero 核心的執行檔案。


當你下載 Monero 核心的壓縮檔後,解壓縮在你想要的位置即可直接執行區塊鏈同步程式 (monerod)

  • Windows系統:找到資料夾內的 monerod.exe後雙擊點選執行它,若發生執行後數秒又立即自行關閉或當掉的狀況,那你可能需要從命令提示字元(CMD)啟動它以找出問題的原因。

  • OS 系統:找到資料夾內的 monerod 後雙擊點選執行它,如同windows系統的情形,若發生執行後數秒又立即自行關閉或當掉的狀況,那你可能需要從終端機(Terminal)啟動它以找出問題的原因。

  • Linux系統:視你所使用的版本是桌面或伺服器版本而定,分別會需要在圖形化介面或在終端機中啟動 monerod。


當您初次啟動 Monero 節點時,你應該會看到類似以下的畫面:

黃色的文字表示節點正在和網路上的其他節點進行同步,當你的節點完成同步後將會出現綠色的文字顯示"synchronized ok",只要出現過一次這樣的訊息代表已經成功正確的維持同步狀態,你就已經完成了所有的工作,您正在運作一個 Monero 的節點!

如果需要關閉程式,您只需要在視窗內輸入 "exit" 然後按下鍵盤上的enter鍵,他會自己執行存檔後關閉。


Why Run a Full Node?

Because of the decentralized and peer-to-peer nature of the Monero network it becomes more robust and resilient as it becomes larger. We encourage all users to run a full node, if they are able to.

Running a Monero node does not require a huge amount of processing power, but it does require a few gigabytes worth of disk space to store the blockchain, and there will be some impact on your bandwidth especially from connected nodes that are catching up on the blockchain.

The easiest way to run a Monero node, without affecting your home bandwidth, is to purchase a VPS (Virtual Private Server). We strongly recommendInterServer.netusing the 'MONERO' coupon code to get a discount over and above their already cheap $6/month VPS. Using this coupon code and/orour affiliate linkwill also assist in the ongoing funding of Monero development.

Monero will run on most hardware, including ARM and 32-bit systems. In order to prepare to run the node download the Monero binariesfrom the downloads page.

Running the Node

Once you have the files downloaded and unpacked you don't need to do anything beyond running the Monero daemon (monerod).

  • On Windows: locate monerod.exe in Windows Explorer and double-click on it. If it opens and then closes, or crashes after starting, then you may want to start it from within Command Prompt in order to see what errors arise.

  • On OS X: locate monerod in Finder and double-click on it. As with Windows, if it opens and then closes, or crashes after starting, then you can start it from within Terminal.

  • On Linux: dependent on whether you are running it on a desktop or server operating system, you will want to start monerod either in a screen session or in a console window of its own.

Ensuring Your Node is Running Correctly

When starting Monero for the first time you will see something similar to this screen:

2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.699104 Core initialized OK 2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.700143 Starting core RPC server... 2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.700229 Run net_service loop( 2 threads)... 2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.700472 [SRV_MAIN]Core RPC server started ok 2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.700543 [SRV_MAIN]Starting P2P net loop... 2015-Feb-18 00:09:45.701066 [SRV_MAIN]Run net_service loop( 10 threads)... 2015-Feb-18 00:09:46.702787 [P2P1] 2015-Feb-18 00:09:54.923018 [P2P6][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 228593 -> 228609 [16 blocks (0 days) behind] SYNCHRONIZATION started 2015-Feb-18 00:09:57.803744 [P2P1][ OUT]Sync data returned unknown top block: 228593 -> 228609 [16 blocks (0 days) behind] SYNCHRONIZATION started2015-Feb-18 00:10:01.719800 [P2P4][ OUT] SYNCHRONIZED OK

The yellow text indicates it is receiving blocks as it synchronises up with the rest of the Monero network. The green "synchronized ok" text will appear once it has correctly synched up. Once you see this there's nothing further you need to do, you are now running a Monero node!

To exit the node at any time you can type "exit" into the daemon window and press enter, and it will shut itself down.

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