



Stack ExchangeReddit 這兩個網站上問問題其實也會是非常有幫助的,當然在 Moneropedia 上充實內容跟校對也是非常重要的。

測試 / 錯誤回報

知道如何寫程式嗎? 那就來幫忙其他人吧! 如果你在不同的平台和裝置上使用時發現任何錯誤或安全上的疑慮出現,請回報這些問題。


如果你有資訊背景且具備寫程式的能力,去freenode上的 #monero-dev 問問看有沒有任何事需要幫忙吧!你也可以直接去Github上的 Monero Project 看看有沒有任何待解決的議題吧!









目前門羅幣的開發完全是依靠贊助來完成的,目前這計畫完全沒有使用任何單位的資金,也因此任何一分捐贈我們都會十分感激。你也可以透過在討論區的資金區(funding section)中的任何議題上提供各式獎金。若您有任何非常動人的功能想要提出,您也可以將這個功能在討論區中讓它曝光。

Testing / bug reports

Know how to compile some code? Then it helps for others if you test out builds or run software on various version to catch any errors that slip through. Report bugs and security issues.


If you have an IT or CS background and can code, go to #monero-dev on freenode and ask around to see if anything needs doing. You can also simply go to the Monero Project on GitHub and see what issues need help.

Run a node

Secure the network and help keep Monero decentralized, it's simple to do, and only requires some bandwidth. Learn how to set up a monero node here.You can also run a node on a VPS, guide on how to do that is here.


It is still possible to mine, even on a cpu. If you have some spare hardware, you are actively adding to it's decentralisation. Find more information on mining Monero in this thread on Bitcointalk.

Spread the word

The size of the Monero community is very very small in the grand scheme of things. Even beyond that, bitcoin itself is still a very niche thing in the wider world. Talk to the friends you know who might be interested in this kind of thing and get more people involved.

Sharings news about Monero on social media is useful as well. You can find Monero on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit.


Ongoing development of the Monero Project is solely supported by donations and sponsors. At this time the project is vastly underfunded, and thus donations are greatly appreciated. You can also donate for bounties in the forum funding section, or if theres a feature you're passionate about, you could get it posted.

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