Monero 核心 (CLI 命令列介面) 教學

Monero 錢包管理程式 (monero-wallet-cli) 是包含在 Monero 核心內的一個指令介面應用程式。比特幣錢包同時管理錢包帳戶及區塊鏈同步資料,而在 Monero 則是將這兩個工作分為兩支程式:區塊鏈同步程式(monerod)負責處理區塊鏈,錢包管理程式(monero-wallet-cli)負責處理錢包帳戶。

此份教學將會示範數種monero-wallet-cli的操作,此份教學是基於版本 0.10.1的 Monero 核心製作。


  • 必須先執行區塊鏈同步程式(monerod)建立節點後讓它繼續在一旁執行
  • monerd尚未完成同步前,錢包無法看到正確的餘額
  • 找到 Monero 核心的 monero-wallet-cli 程式並執行它,會看到以下畫面:
Monero 'Wolfram Warptangent' (v0.10.1.0-release)
Logging at log level 0 to C:\monero\monero-wallet-cli.log
Specify wallet file name (e.g., MyWallet). If the wallet doesn't exist, it will be created.
Wallet file name (or Ctrl-C to quit):
  • 輸入錢包的帳戶名稱(以 lafudoci 舉例),即會顯示是否新增錢包帳戶
No wallet found with that name. Confirm creation of new wallet named: lafudoci
(Y/Yes/N/No): Y
  • 輸入 Y 表示確認後,需要為錢包帳戶設定密碼,重複一次確認 接著會列出種子碼的語言選擇
Enter a password for your new wallet: **********
Confirm Password: **********
List of available languages for your wallet's seed:
0 : English
1 : Spanish
2 : German
3 : Italian
4 : Portuguese
5 : Russian
6 : Japanese

Enter the number corresponding to the language of your choice:
  • 通常選擇英語,於是輸入0,程式開始產生錢包,然後顯示錢包位址,唯讀金鑰
Generated new wallet: 4Ao4GXj8fmHU7AfACWQqyvEEMUHsnvWd4THmbvBKDAHUNCaCGU4UcD2DRNagXSSnfXBHx94QNx8ucSHNzEn6ewFMUp4BYng

View key: 502f54c6a3c912b90773193eda9b954b70daf582085000e93d76c8ecba459807
  • 還有最重要的:由 25 個英文單字組成的種子碼(seed)
Your wallet has been generated!
To start synchronizing with the daemon, use "refresh" command.
Use "help" command to see the list of available commands.
Always use "exit" command when closing monero-wallet-cli to save your
current session's state. Otherwise, you might need to synchronize
your wallet again (your wallet keys are NOT at risk in any case).

PLEASE NOTE: the following 25 words can be used to recover access to your wallet
. Please write them down and store them somewhere safe and secure. Please do not
 store them in your email or on file storage services outside of your immediate

visited fidget irritate kernels oval trendy tirade orchid
anvil oaks calamity damp nasty comb criminal cause
luxury gymnast uncle arises uncle remedy dusted each luxury


visited fidget irritate kernels oval trendy tirade orchid

anvil oaks calamity damp nasty comb criminal cause

luxury gymnast uncle arises uncle remedy dusted each luxury

  • 請抄寫上面剛剛在您的畫面產生的25字種子碼組成的種子碼(seed)。



  • 接著錢包會從區塊鏈裡掃描更新您的資金餘額
Starting refresh...
Height 269922 / 1209934
  • 過一段時間更新完成後您將可看見您的錢包餘額(balance)
Refresh done, blocks received: 1
Balance: 0.000000000000, unlocked balance: 0.000000000000
Background refresh thread started


  • 在上一個步驟產生的錢包位址將會存放在 Monero 核心的資料夾內,附檔名為.address,以記事本開啟後即可獲得錢包的位址
  • 以此份範例產生的位址為以下的格式字串
  • 將錢包位址提供給支付方即可開始等待對方付款至錢包內。
  • 對方付款後在錢包畫面中輸入 refresh 會更新錢包的餘額,交易確認等待時間通常只會需要數分鐘的時間。


  • 使用 transfer 指令如下格式
transfer (混幣數量) 收款方錢包位址 金額 (付款ID)
  • 混幣數量(mixin):可不填,預設為4,數字指定得越高能使得此次交易的資訊越難被追蹤,相對的手續費也會高一些。
  • 付款ID(Payment ID):若為轉帳至交易所則此項必填,否則交易所會無法辨識而讓您損失這筆資金!
  • 金額 (amount):金額單位為XMR。

  • 以下為簡易的發送1XMR至另一個錢包的範例,在錢包中輸入:

transfer 45RByKZ4n3qHecCcTLH9poJyPAQLuYGEDVtBEEnyhwPYBHquxPZ1kNCGMiee8iHm6yQM6u8pDZRQfDYnTz9Cdf6fCLmJSV8 1
  • 程式會提示是否需要付款ID及計算手續費,輸入Y確認。
No payment id is included with this transaction. Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): Y
Sending 1.000000000000.  The transaction fee is 0.006000000000.
Is this okay?  (Y/Yes/N/No): Y
  • 如此交易就成功發送出去了,交易確認等待時間通常只會需要數分鐘的時間。
Money successfully sent, transaction <61b48eb889285172ba1062fd726f393d6b1aa7d6d916a4a0420e0cc5379a8783>
  • 很好,剛剛的範例地址就是本篇教學作者的贊助位址,謝謝您的贊助!我會繼續努力的!
  • 什麼?你說你剛剛沒有真的送出交易?這...無論如何我還是會繼續努力的 (淚)


  • 確保您的monerod有在正在執行
  • 只需要在執行monero-wallet-cli後輸入您的使用者名稱及密碼即可登入錢包。


  • 在錢包畫面中輸入help,即可參閱其他功能的說明。
  address              Show current wallet public address
  balance              Show current wallet balance
  bc_height            Show blockchain height
  check_tx_key         Check amount going to <address> in <txid>
  export_key_images    Export a signed set of key images
  export_outputs       Export a set of outputs owned by this wallet
  get_tx_key           Get transaction key (r) for a given <txid>
  get_tx_note          Get a string note for a txid
  help                 Show this help
  import_key_images    Import signed key images list and verify their spent status
  import_outputs       Import set of outputs owned by this wallet
  incoming_transfers   incoming_transfers [available|unavailable] - Show incoming transfers, all or filtered by availability
  integrated_address   integrated_address [PID] - Encode a payment ID into an integrated address for the current wallet public address (no argument uses a random payment ID), or decode an integrated address to standard address and payment ID
  locked_transfer      locked_transfer [<mixin_count>] <addr> <amount> <lockblocks>(Number of blocks to lock the transaction for, max 1000000) [<payment_id>]
  payments             payments <PID_1> [<PID_2> ... <PID_N>] - Show payments for given payment ID[s]
  refresh              Synchronize transactions and balance
  rescan_bc            Rescan blockchain from scratch
  rescan_spent         Rescan blockchain for spent outputs
  save                 Save wallet data
  save_bc              Save current blockchain data
  save_watch_only      Save a watch-only keys file
  seed                 Display Electrum-style mnemonic seed
  set                  Available options: seed language - set wallet seed language; always-confirm-transfers <1|0> - whether to confirm unsplit txes; store-tx-info <1|0> - whether to store outgoing tx info (destination address, payment ID,tx secret key) for future reference; default-mixin <n> - set default mixin (default is 4); auto-refresh <1|0> - whether to automatically sync new blocks from the daemon; refresh-type <full|optimize-coinbase|no-coinbase|default> - set wallet refresh behaviour; priority [1|2|3] - normal/elevated/priority fee; confirm-missing-payment-id <1|0>
  set_log              set_log <level> - Change current log detail level, <0-4>
  set_tx_note          Set an arbitrary string note for a txid
  show_transfers       show_transfers [in|out] [<min_height> [<max_height>]] - Show incoming/outgoing transfers within an optional height range
  sign                 Sign the contents of a file
  sign_transfer        Sign a transaction from a file
  spendkey             Display private spend key
  start_mining         start_mining [<number_of_threads>] - Start mining in daemon
  status               Show wallet status information
  stop_mining          Stop mining in daemon
  submit_transfer      Submit a signed transaction from a file
  sweep_all            sweep_all [mixin] address [payment_id] - Send all unlocked balance an address
  sweep_unmixable      Send all unmixable outputs to yourself with mixin 0
  transfer             Same as transfer_original, but using a new transaction building algorithm
  transfer_original    transfer [<mixin_count>] <addr_1> <amount_1> [<addr_2> <amount_2> ... <addr_N> <amount_N>] [payment_id] - Transfer <amount_1>,... <amount_N> to <address_1>,... <address_N>, respectively. <mixin_count> is the number of extra inputs to include for untraceability (from 2 to maximum available)
  verify               Verify a signature on the contents of a file
  viewkey              Display private view key

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