

在這彼此連結在一起的世界上,一個很基本但常被忽視、卻無疑十分重要的層面就是隱私性,我們與Privacy Solutions正在合作開發門羅幣中的 i2p 路由功能以增加節點在網路上的匿名性。在這個世界上,有許多可以為了各種理由而肆意侵犯個人隱私的政府機關及電信業者,因此建立有隱匿性的交流平台是必要的趨勢。

建立在門羅幣底層的技術和加密法已經是(且會持續是)許多單位和個人研究和分析的對象。這些技術已獲得了一些在比特幣及密碼學中最頂尖的研究人員們的注意,像是Andrew Poelstra (andytoshi), Gregory Maxwell 和 Nicolas Courtois。



Monero seeks to provide absolute transactional privacy in an effort to create true electronic cash. With Bitcoin, as well as with the vast majority of cryptocurrencies that have been established since, any and all transactions are entirely traceable. Any casual observer can read through the Bitcoin blockchain, and for any transaction, this observer can find out the exact amount that was transacted, as well as the precise transaction origin (sender address) and destination (recipient address).

With Monero, for any private transaction, the same observer has no means to uncover the origin, destination, or amount transacted. As such, transactions on the Monero blockchain, are private and fundamentally untraceable.
But Monero is more than a currency. Driving the official slogan: “secure, private, untraceable”, there are a multitude of applications where the parties involved wish to remain private. The Monero blockchain can keep confidential contracts confidential. While the forthcoming, blockchain-powered internet of things will certainly place the cloud all around us, it is then increasingly important that open access tools exist to provide a secure boundary for private settlements.

An often overlooked, but nonetheless important layer of privacy in a connected world, is that of the networking infrastructure. We have teamed up with Privacy Solutions, and development is well underway to incorporate an i2p router in Monero. In a world where ill intentioned governments and ISPs can void an individual’s basic privacy rights on a whim, it then becomes necessary to establish a private communication platform.

The underlying technologies and cryptography upon which Monero is built, has been (and continues to be) the subject of extensive analysis and review by numerous individuals and research groups. It has garnered favorable attention by some of the most prominent figures of the Bitcoin & cryptography world, such as Andrew Poelstra (andytoshi), Gregory Maxwell & Nicolas Courtois.

With Monero, transactions are private by default. However, each user has the ability to select different levels of privacy, optionally disclosing their transaction information, or even provide audit access (view only) to his full Monero account.

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