Monero 背後的開發人員們


五個核心小組的成員目前傾向於不要曝光,但其餘的兩位較頻繁的出現在大眾面前而且也已經公布了他們的真實身分了。上述兩位成員(Riccardo 與 Francisco)在下表的最頂端,其餘在下表中的成員並未用任何方式排序:

  • Riccardo "fluffypony" Spagni ([email protected] / @fluffyponyza): 來自南非。Riccardo 為團隊帶來了敏銳的商業直覺,以及加密貨幣、軟體開發與密碼學的大量知識。自2012年起開始參與加密貨幣的計畫。
  • Francisco "ArticMine" Cabañas ([email protected]):來自加拿大。Francisco 擁有物理學博士學位,為團隊帶來了大量的營利與非營利的經驗。他自2011年開始主動的研究和投資了許多加密貨幣,也專注於加密貨幣在經濟、社會、被監控的程度和加密貨幣是否可以長期、可持續性的運作的資訊。
  • smooth ([email protected]):軟體工程師、企業家,同時也是投資者。smooth 自從2011年起已經有參與數個加密貨幣的經驗,甚至參與了第一個多貨幣的交易站的開發(最初是支援比特幣和Namecoin) 。在他長期參與加密貨幣的社群之下,他在許多人的心目中是非常有地位且被認為是可信任的。
  • othe ([email protected]):來自德國,othe自2011年初開始對加密貨幣有興趣。現在他是個獨立的加密貨幣相關疑難雜症的諮詢師。他在社群中因身為Vertcoin的核心開發成員而成名。
  • luigi1111 ([email protected]):來自美國中西部,luigi1111是個系統管理員。他從2013起主動參與了許多加密貨幣的開發,也對密碼學、機率和英文文法情有獨鍾。
  • tacotime ([email protected]):一個從多倫多來的生物資訊狂熱分子和軟體開發者,tacotime 從2011年開始參與加密貨幣相關事務。他因在MC2這個混雜了權益證明法/工作量證明法(PoS/PoW)有所貢獻而成名,他的成名也與他在各式保形的專案像是btcd中有些貢獻有關。
  • NoodleDoodle ([email protected]):前矽谷工程師,NoodleDoodle 是個老練的軟體和硬體的開發者。他在2012年與加密貨幣開始了不解之緣,現在他正在為一所大學做一個"酷炫的太空玩意"。

Monero is not governed by any foundation or central body, but ongoing development, maintenance, and research is primarily directed and often funded by a core team of seven individuals.

Five members of the Core Team prefer to stay pseudonymous at this time, but two of them are more public and have revealed their real identities. For ease of reference those two members (Riccardo and Francisco) are at the top of the list below, but beyond that the list is presented in no particular order:

  • Riccardo "fluffypony" Spagni ([email protected] / @fluffyponyza): Based out of South Africa, Riccardo brings a strong business acumen and a deep understanding of cryptocurrency, software development, and cryptography to the table. He has been involved with cryptocurrency-related projects since 2012.
  • Francisco "ArticMine" Cabañas ([email protected]): Based in Canada, Francisco holds a PhD in Physics and brings extensive business and non-profit experience to the table. He has actively researched and invested in cryptocurrencies, since 2011, and focuses on the economic, social, regulatory and long-term viability aspects of cryptocurrencies.
  • smooth ([email protected]): A software developer, entrepreneur, and investor, smooth has been involved in several cryptocurrency projects since 2011, including development of the first multicurrency exchange (initially supporting Bitcoin and Namecoin). By virtue of his long-standing involvement in the cryptocurrency community, he is well known and trusted by many.
  • othe ([email protected]): Based in Germany, othe has been interested in cryptocurrency since early 2011. Currently he works as an independent consultant for various cryptocurrency-related businesses. He is known for his previous work as a core Vertcoin developer.
  • luigi1111 ([email protected]): Hailing from the Midwest, USA, luigi1111 is a sysadmin by day. He has been actively involved in several cryptocurrencies since 2013, and loves cryptography, probability, and English grammar.
  • tacotime ([email protected]): A bioinformatics enthusiast and software developer from Toronto, tacotime has been involved in cryptocurrency since 2011. He is well known for his work on MC2, a hybrid PoS/PoW cryptocurrency, and his contributions to various Conformal projects such as btcd.
  • NoodleDoodle ([email protected]): A former Silicon Valley engineer, NoodleDoodle is a seasoned hardware and software developer. He started his involvement with cryptocurrencies in 2012 and currently spends his time working on "cool aerospace stuff" for a university.

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