加密貨幣的其中一個大難題就是可擴展性,大部分的加密貨幣都是由彼特幣的程式碼衍伸而來,因此存在著所謂"區塊容量限制",這個限制在彼特幣社群內成為一個被爭論得相當激烈的議題,而門羅幣沒有這個問題,因為門羅幣的設計上區塊容量是動態的,這個容量限制會定期自動重新計算,而且有一個懲罰系統將會用來防止區塊容量失控性的成長。另一個加密貨幣會遇到的問題則是手續費的市場,這其實也是源自於區塊容量的問題,當區塊容量有限制時,一定會使手續費成長,這是一個具有高度爭議的問題,以當前的設計下,驗證區塊的手續費是礦工主要的工作動機來源並且確保區塊鏈安全的方式,但這種模式很有可能無法永續運作。以現在來說,礦工一如預期的都會為了區塊獎勵而去挖最長的那條區塊鏈,但是一但在將來區塊獎勵比交易手續費還少的時候,礦工極有可能為了高額的手續費而使得區塊鏈出現分岔。因此,門羅幣建立了所謂"永久區塊獎勵"的機制,區塊鏈的獎勵永遠不會少於0.3 XMR,這代表不論手續費如何變化,礦工永遠會有足夠的動機去挖最長的區塊鏈確保其安全。


One of the problems with cryptocurrencies is scaleability. Most cryptocurrencies are derived from the Bitcoin codebase and thus have a "block size limit". This limit has become a big issue in the Bitcoin community and led to fierce discussions. Monero doesn't suffer from this block size debate, because it has a dynamic block size limit. This limit is automatically recalculated regularly based on a look-back window. A penalty system prevents out of control growth of the block size. Another issue with most cryptocurrencies is the development of a fee market. This issue is somewhat linked to the block size debate: the narrative is that when you limit the block size, a fee market will eventually develop. But this claim is highly debatable. When the transaction fees are supposed to be the main incentive for miners to secure the blockchain, it is possible the current consensus model will not be sustainable. At the moment, miners still act as they are expected: they mine on the longest chain. When they don't do that, they risk losing the block reward. But when that block reward becomes small compared to the mining fees, it's possible miners will have an incentive to not mine on the longest chain and start a fork trying to "steal" high transaction fees which were included in the latest blocks. Therefore, monero implements a "permanent block reward". The block reward will never drop below 0.3 XMR, making monero a disinflationary currency: the inflation will be roughly 1% in 2022 and go down forever, but the nominal inflation will stay at 0.3 XMR per minute. This means that there will always be an incentive for miners to mine monero and thus keeping the blockchain secure, with or without a fee market.

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